DB 9 What are you?

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DB 9 What are you?


DB 9 What are you?

Pt I: Go to http://alice.pandorabots.com/ (Links to an external site.) Ask Alice several questions. Or Check Mitsuka at: https://www.pandorabots.com/mitsuku/ or Siri or Alexa or another known chatterbot.


Question: Do you think that Alice has “qualia”? (Don’t know what qualia is? See Ultimate Questions p. 150-151)

  • If so, do you think a computer is any different than us? If not, might better programming bridge the gap between us?

 Pt II: What are “You”? (i.e., What is it to be “One of Us”?)

  • What makes us different (if anything) from A.L.I.C.E. or robots or rocks or plants or other animals?
  • Which of these (if any) share this “person condition” with us? (i.e., what are the criteria and what other things qualify?)
  • If something is different from us, then explain the basis for thinking it different. You may want to consider fish, insects, bacteria, viruses, dogs, Venusfly traps, grass, rocks, robots, chimpanzees, computers, thermometers, fungus, or anything else that comes to mind.



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This question is taken from Philosophy 100 – Introduction to Philosophy » Fall 2021 » Discussions