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Discussion: Everything’s An Argument 2
Discussion: Everything’s An Argument 2
Please remember that you can always catch up on these assignments if you fall a little bit behind. We will only have assignments on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, but never on Fridays or weekends. That’s basically because that’s how it would be if this was an in person class (we would be meeting Monday through Thursday and have work due each of those days). So if you need to, please use Friday and the weekends to catch up on your work. And don’t forget that your first essay is already due this Sunday, June 27th. With that said,
Please read Chapter 3: Arguments Based on Character: Ethos (pages 127 to 144), and answer the following questions below:
1. What do arguments based on Ethos depend on? Why is that relationship important?
2. How can you use Ethos in your own writing?
3. Practice reading rhetorically and critically by taking a close look at your own social media (IG, SC, Facebook, etc). What are some aspects of your character, whether true or not, that might be conveyed by the photos, videos, memes, and messages you have posted online. Analyze the ethos or character you see projected there using the advice from this chapter to help guide your analysis. (If you don’t have social media or want to do this question then skip this question and do number 4. If you do number 3 then you don’t have to do number 4).
4. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of making an argument completely based on Ethos. Why does Ethos work? When does it not?