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Applying the Ecological Model – Due Sunday, January 16th
Please watch/listen to
video from Johns Hopkins on the Ecological Model in public health. Then respond to the following questions:
The narrator uses a medical analogy to help explain the ecological model (the knee injury). Please come up with your own analogy to explain the ecological model.
The narrator says the components of the ecological model usually fall into one of five categories. What are they?
Using these five categories, the narrator gave obesity as an example of how you can look at one topic and see how it is affected by each component of the ecological model. I think we should note that how we are socialized in terms of body image and what we see in the world is also a factor here – we will talk more about this when we get into the socialization process next week. Using education, please examine how it is affected by each component of the ecological model.
Please respond to the posts of at least two of your classmates:
Were your ideas on how education is affect by the ecological model similar?
- If yes, in what way?
- If no, how did they differ?
Do you disagree (respectfully) with anything they chose to include?