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Discussion 10 – Chapter 9
Discussion 10 – Chapter 9
- Define the ‘Lithosphere’ in terms of Earth’s internal layers
- What are Lithospheric plates and how are they able to move?
- What is the theory of Continental Drift and who is credited with it?
- What is the theory of Plate Tectonics and what does it explain?
- What are the 3 main types of Plate Boundaries? Give examples of where we find Transform and Divergent boundaries and which geologic features are associated with them?
- What are the 3 main types of Convergent Plate Boundaries? Give examples of where we find them and which geologic features are associated with them?
- What is the difference between an island arc and a volcanic arc? What process forms them and where do we find them?
- What is an oceanic trench and what is subduction? Which plate boundaries are they associated with?
- What are geologic Hot spots, how do they form and where do we find them?
- What are the differences between stratovolcanoes, shield volcanoes, cinder cones and calderas?
- What are the differences between a stock, batholith, dike and sill?
- What’s the difference between Erupting, Active, Dormant and Extinct volcanoes?
- What are lava flows, pyroclastic flows and lahars?
- What’s the difference between anticlines and synclines?
- Tell me what you’ve learned about normal, reverse (thrust) and strike-slip faults.
- What’s the difference between the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) and the Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS) for earthquakes.
- Explain how the Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS) for earthquakes works. On this scale, how much stronger is a Magnitude 5.0 earthquake compared to a 4.0 earthquake? What about a Magnitude 8.5 compared to a 6.5?
- Where in the world had the most large earthquakes over the past 100 years or so? Explain why. Where in the USA did we record the most large earthquakes over the past 200 years? Explain why.
This question is taken from Geography 101 – Physical Geography » Fall 2021 » Discussions