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Heroic Brainstorm – Group Three
Dear students,
This is a collaborative brainstorm. You will find an image that you consider heroic and create a heroic “character.” You will then respond to one another’s posts.
Part One
Find (or create) an image that you consider “heroic” and create a screenshot or PDF of that image, post it here, and write a bit about why you chose that image.
Part Two
Create an an original “character” that represents the qualities and abilities you believe necessary for an individual who is going to be considered truly heroic. The creation of this character can take many forms. You can choose between the following:
- Draw a character
- Write a character (what the character does)
- Sing a character (create a song)
- Use another creative form to create a character
Part Three
For your original character, identify the character traits of the hero you created, naming each quality of heroism represented by your character.
Post Parts One, Two, and Three.
- For your response, find three peers, whose characters you are intrigued by, and/or whose heroic image you would like to know more about, or talk about. Try to keep responses roughly even between the various students on the discussion board.
- Respond to those three peers within 24 hours after the posting due date. Initial posts and responses are always welcome early. You may turn them in any time after the Module opens, and you have completed 100% of the work.
- After initial responses have been made, return to the board, and engage in further dialogue with the students who have responded to your posts.
Please click on the three dots in the upper right corner of this assignment to see the grading rubric.