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Stop to Think #4
The videos and primary texts are accompanied with a short description and often a question to guide your focus. Thinking of each of them is essential for understanding certain class material. In this assignment, you will respond to one of them by writing a concise, thorough paragraph (around 150 words).
Watch again Rationalism vs. Empiricism video to remind yourself of these two major epistemological positions. Then, imagine you are a rationalist and answer the question: How do we know we are in love? Repeat the same from an empiricist’s point of view.
Stop to Think #4 Answer
We know we are in love through deduction without the need for sense experience. This includes the use of innate ideas, wherein if we feel comfort and longing, then we are in love. If we deduce these feelings, and prove that it is intuitively true, even without sense experience of how love feels, then we can conclude that indeed, the feelings of butterflies in the stomach, sudden dizziness from euphoria, and so on, are the proofs that we are in love.