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Stop to Think #5
The videos and primary texts are accompanied with a short description and often a question to guide your focus. Thinking of each of them is essential for understanding certain class material. In this assignment, you will respond to one of them by writing a concise, thorough paragraph (around 150 words)
Pascal assumes that you can simply force yourself to believe something. Suppose someone told you that they would give you a million dollars if you believe the moon is made out of green cheese. Can we simply will ourselves to believe in God for no other reason than that this belief seems to be the best for bet? Explain your view thoroughly.
Stop to Think #5 Answer
In terms of Pascal’s wager, it is safe to play safe because we cannot know God’s existence. But, according to Pascal, we can simply will ourselves to believe in God for no other reason than this belief but it is not the best for bet. As a practical argument, Pascal’s wager assumes that we can simply force ourselves to believe in something, regardless of whether we know it is valid and true or not