5.9. Informative Speech Analysis part 2: Content and delivery

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5.9. Informative Speech Analysis part 2: Content and delivery


Identifying the Public Speaking Basics 

By now you are experts in identifying effective verbal and nonverbal communication.  For this assignment watch one different informative speech from the NFA final round and comment on the content and delivery: 

  1. How well was the speech written?
  2. Did the introduction grab your attention? How?
  3. Was the conclusion effective? Why or why not? 
  4. Provide general comments on the delivery. How did the speaker sound? How was the eye contact? How were the gestures and body movements? 
  5. How effective was the use of visual aids? 

Here are the speeches again: 

Need help with your discussion preparation?

This question is taken from Communication 101 – Public Speaking » Winter 2022 » Discussion