4.6 Cultural Narrative YouTube Speech Discussion

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4.6 Cultural Narrative YouTube Speech Discussion


The goal of this assignment is to have you seek out samples of others doing online cultural narrative speeches. I put this a discussion so you can see other student’s videos. Critically examining other people speeches through the lens of the public speaking basics (verbal and nonverbal) will make you even more aware of how to present your speech. 

For this discussion, go to YouTube and search for students delivering speeches about their culture.  Search terms include ‘cultural narrative’ or ‘cultural artifact.’ There are a lot. The speeches do not have to be long. 

To get full credit you must: 

  1. Post the link to the speech. 
  2. Comment generally on the speech using the language of the public speaking basics. What is the student doing well? What does the student need to improve on?
  3. Watch the video another student in the class has posted and comment on that video. What is that student doing well? What does that student need to improve on? 

Need help with your discussion preparation?

This question is taken from Communication 101 – Public Speaking » Winter 2022 » Discussion