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Discussion on Boys and Girls
During ages 3-6, children become very aware of gender roles (what’s “okay” for boys, what’s “okay” for girls). There are several theories in your textbook which attempt to explain how children learn these roles.
If your last name begins with M-Z:
Please answer the following questions in this order and in this format. Include the questions in your post and be sure to fully explain your answers.
Give an example from your childhood where you were taught what was OK for you and what was not OK for you regarding behavior, dress, etc based on your gender.
As a child how did you feel about the gender roles that you were taught?
As an adult looking back, what impact did those gender roles have on your life as you grew up?
If you have children now, do you see yourself reinforcing those same gender roles?
Post your thoughts about the questions above, and respond to the students who reply to your post. Your original post must be completed before 11:59 pm on Wednesday March 17, and your responses are due before the discussion closes on Sunday March 21. Be sure you check for replies before Sunday evening!
If your last name begins with A-L:
Reply to 3 of your classmates in a way that continues the conversation. Your replies are due no later than 11:59 pm on Friday March 19 and I recommend that you wait until Thursday before you reply to anyone. Please spread out your replies – if a post already has 3 replies, choose a different one. Everyone who posts should get at least one reply, and no credit will be given for a 4th or 5th reply to a post.