Corporate Income Tax
Chapter 3: Corporate Income Tax
Corporate income tax rate
What is a corporation?
- Separate taxpaying entity
- i. flat 21% rate (start of 2018)
*Previous rates range from 15%-35%
- ii. must file annual tax returns
*Note: must file even no income/loss annually
Choosing calendar or Fiscal year
-Corporation tax year should be similar to accounting period employed for financial accounting reasons
- Calendar Year– 12-month period ending on December 31st
- Fiscal Year – 12-month period
*Any month, except December
Short Tax Period
-Not covering full 12-month period
Restriction on Tax Year
Type of Corporation | Restriction |
S Corporation | Must employ calendar year *Affiliation entities should file same tax year as parent corp |
Personal Service Corporation | Must employ calendar year in its tax year *restricts PSC to distribute huge portion of income from Feb-Dec of 2021 |
Determining Corporate Tax Liability: The General Rule
Gross Income – Losses and Deductions |
Taxable income (before sp. Deductions) – Special deductions |
Taxable income X corporate tax rate (21%) |
Tax (before taxes and other credits)- Applicable tax credit |
+ Personal holding company tax , Accumulated earning tax + special taxes *note= only if applicable |
Total Tax liability – Approximate tax payments |
Net Tax due/refund |
Corporate and Individual Income
Prior to 2018, no alternative minimum tax for:
- Income Tax
- Accumulated earnings tax
- Personal holding company tax
Corporate Income vs Individual
- Gross Income
-generally similar
- Deductions
-Corp. have ↑ and itemized deductions and exemptions
- Taxable Income:
Gross Income – Deductions
Property Dispositions for Corporations
Capital Gains | No special Rates |
Capital Loss | Deduct capital loss on capital gains · Carryback (3 yrs) · Carryforward (5 yrs) |
Section 291 recapture | 20% of depreciation/ gain on real property |
Organizational and Startup expenses
Type of Cost | Fees |
Organizational Cost | 1. Legal and accounting expense 2. Director fees (temporary) 3. Meeting costs |
Startup Cost | 1. Expense for business acquisition/ investigate creation |
- Should be capitalized unless:
- Election to deduct under the ff:
- Sec. 248 (org)
- Sec. 195 (startup)
- Election =automatic
*Elect out of
- Deduction or Amortization remainder over 180 mos
- Less $5000 however reduce if
*exceeds $50000, remainder amortized in 180 mos
Charitable expenses
Limitation (at 10% adjusted taxable income)
*for taxable income
no deduction for:
- Charity donations
- Cap loss carrybacks
- Dividend collected deductions
Has deduction for
- nol carryforward
If there is election
- 2020-2021 contributions
-no 10% limit
-restricted to 25% on adjusted taxable income over every charitable donation
Donation (Property)
General Rule : FMV deduction (for LTCG prop)
Basic deduction for others:
- can deduct basis less half excess/ basis
*not exceed 1x ab
Deduction limited to basis only if satisfied:
- IP (intellectual property)
- Tangible personal property (not related to charity org. purpose)
Dividends received deduction
DRD in 2018:
- 50% – own (<20%)
- 65% – own (20 to <80%)
iii. 100% (own 80% or ↑)
-same percentage (taxable income = DRD)
*before DRD, cap loss carryback, after donation deductions, NOL carryover
If 50% and 60% dividends receive, then:
- 65% is computed 1ST
- Less taxable income by 65% DRD, then:
-compute for 50% DRD
Chapter 4 – Non-Liquidating Distribution of Corporations
Types of NLD:
- Distribution of property or cash
*Not used for stock exchange
- Distribution of stocks of the corporation (dividend stock)
- Distribution of property or cash (exchange to stock redemption)
Dividents à corp. extent in profit and earning (E&P)
- non-corporate taxpayer ( 20% tax = capl. gain rate)
Exceeding (E&P)
- capital return
- capital gain
Earning and Profits (E&P)
Taxable Income (sex. 312) |
+ Tax exempt income [1] |
Depreciation [2] |
Plus dividends [3] |
Plus carryovers [4] |
Minus Fed income tax |
Minus Charity donation/ Cap loss limit & Actual donation / cap loss |
Minus non-deductable expense [5] |
[1] life insurance proceed, tax exempt interest
[2] plus or minus of (E&P and Tax)
[3] org expense deduction, dividends collected deductions
[4] NOL, charity, cap loss
[5] tax exempt expense, keyman life ins, pol. vontributions, penalties
E&P Distribution
- Made fist out of recent E&P then amassed E&P
- If corporation has +CEP
- Divided to CEP extend even if:
*aEP is deficit (applies to nimble dividend rule)
- Distribution reduce E&P
- Not below to zero, and or;
- Increase deficit
- AEP end of year = aep prior year +CEP – dividend value
Ordering rules multiple distributions
- ceP = proportionally allocated based on distributions
- aEP = chronological allocation
- note: same day distribution
- should be allocated using E&P rule
Property Distribution
Corporation | Shareholder |
Recognize gain (NOT loss) -treat as sold for FMV – gain ↑ E&P | Distribution (property FMV) -less liability of shareholder (not below zero) |
FMV dist. not < property FMV Less liability from shareholder (not below zero) | Basis of prop. distributed -less liability assumed |
Reduce E&P using prop. FMV -no reduction from liability of shareholder -if prop. loss (less from AB) | After distribution marks holding period |
Non-taxable stock dividends
- Total amount of basis should be allocated before
- distribution of new and old shared
and if dividend is different stock class
*should be allocated as to FMV
- Holding period is tacked
- No impact with corp
Taxable Dividends
- Only taxable if shareholder proportionate interest
- Can elect to take prop. or stock
- Some shareholders receive stock/property
- Some shareholders receive preferred/ common
- Distribution on pref. stock
- Not OF
- Distribution OF pref. stock convertible
Rules of Attribution
- Own constructively stock by means of:
- Spouse
- Child
- No double attribution in family
- Grandchild
- Parent
*not : grandparents, brothers, sisters
Rules of Attribution (Entity)
- Attribute stock by estate to partner proportinally
- Attribute stock by C Corp to SH
*ONLY if SH owns >50%
Susbstantially Disproportionate
- Vote <50%
- Voting stock <80%
- Common Owned <80%
Absolute Termination
- Use attribution rules, waive if:
– No interest attained except being creditor
– IRS file written aggreement notifies any acquired interest
– 10 years after redemption cant be acquired besides inheritance
In 10 years:
- Stock is not acquired by redeemed SH
- No stock is attributable to the stock of redeemed SH
- No tax purpose make it non-applicable
NEED (Not essentially equivalent to dividend)
- Should be meaninful reduction (earnings, liquidation, earnings)
- Circumstances and facts
- Davis case
- No control
- Application of attribution rules
- Lose control = NEED
Partial Liquidation
- Discontinued line of business
- Should be bonafide business contraction
- At corporate level (not essentially equivalent with dividend)
- Only applicable in shareholders who are non-corporate
Redemption Analysis
- Is redemption present? If yes, use option 2
- Does redemption applies any categoris for exchange? If no, distribution rules is applied. If yes, sale rules are used, requirements:
- Disproportionate on substantial leve
- Absolute termination
- Not equal to dividend (essentially)
- Liquidation should be partial
Tax Treatment (Redemption)
Sale | Distribution | ||
Shareholder | Corporation | Shareholder | Corporation |
Received amount-adj. basis= cap gain | Reduce E&P by proportionate stock redeemed | Amount received allocated to corp. extent, cap gain, return basis | Reduce E&P by FMV on dividend amount |
Chapter 6: Liquidating Distributions of Corporation
Motivator for Liquidation
- Tax reason (principal motivation)
- Business reason
Liquidation is conducted if:
- assets are resulting to losses
-SH prefer to hold in incorporated form and reduce to personal tax return
- Passive activity
- At-risk
- Excess business loss
- corporate earnings taxed once under the income tax of corporation
- when earnings are distributed as dividends
- when SH exchanges stock for gain
*the act of liquidation = assets held to unincorporated form = avoid double tax
iii. Additionally, may claim 20% reduction for qualified business income
- Reduce tax rate below effective tax rate on the income of the corporation
Complete Liquidation
–Under Reg. Sec. 1.332-2 (c)
- Distributions under liquidation corp. must redeem all stocks or cancel
- One or more distribution, corporation should be:
- liquidating status
- distribution should be under the plan
- Distribution before plan of liqidation = taxed to SH through dividends/ redeemed stocks
- Legal phrase that organization undertaken dissolution
- Cannot happen if corporation retains charter for name of corporation acquired by another
- Corporation can settle for tax reasons without undertaking dissolution
- Reg. 1.332-2(c) – Corporation termination concern and interests
- winding up its activities
- debt payment
- shareholder property distribution
Liquidation General Rules
- Effect to Shareholders
Amount of Loss or Gain
-Under Sec. 331 (a):
-liquidation distribution transferred to shareholder = full payment for SH stock
– if SH acquire liabilities, then:
– these liabilities reduce value realized by SH
- Accounting Method Impact
-Accounting method, if Accrual:
- Shareholder acknowledge loss or gain
*Cash method
- Sharehoder report loss/gain when actual liquidating upon distribution receipt acceptance
- Stock Acquisition
-SH may have acquire stock in different time/ amount
-SH must compute G/L separately
- Recognized Gain or Loss Character
-Corporation stock liquidation (Capital Asset for Shareholder)
Two exemptions:
- Loss recognized by individual SH under sec. 1244
*Where stock is within limits, considered ordinary loss
- Loss recognized by corp. SH on the subsidiary stock worthlessness
**where stock is considered ordinary loss under sec. 165 (g) (3)
Holding Period of Property and Its basis
-Under Sec. 334 (a)
-Basis of SH’s property received is:
- FMV on distribution date
- property distribution upon date of distribution
Liquidation for Shareholder (Non-Subsidiary)
Under Sec. 331 (Shareholder):
- loss/ gain as if traded stock
- liabilities are assume less realized value (not under ZERO)
- Basis adjusted(Property received) = FMV (under Sec. 334 (a))
- After liquidation marks holding period date
Corporation Liquidation
Two Key questions:
- What is the character and amount of recognized loss/gain?
- What happens to tax attributies prior to liquidation?
Liquidation for Corporation (Non-Subsidiary)
Under Sec. 336 (Corporation):
- loss/ gain as if sold property (meant for FMV)
- liabilities assumed ≠ fmv property distributed
- Attributes of tax (e.g., carryovers, E&P, NOLS) vanish
Corporation Liquidation limitation related person (Non-subsidiary)
No loss permitted if:
- distribution to related person satisfies:
à 50% of family and shareholder attribution
*Under sec. 267, this includes
- Sisters
- Brothers
- Lineal relatives
- Ancestors,
- and or;
- non-pro rata distribution of property loss across shareholder, and or;
- Sec.351 acquired property/ capt’l contribution are distributed in 5 yrs
Tax Avoidance purpose, Corporation Loss limitation (Non-subsidiary Liquidation)
Tax Avoidance purpose
-property acquired to take liquidation loss
-determination of loss
* basis reduced to FMV (prior to collection on exchange, distb’n, or sale, if:
- Acquired , given that it is:
*w/in 2 years of liquidation plan)
- not if asset is employed in either:
* business or trade
- not if disposed
*on the first 2 years of the existence of corporation
Liquidation (Subsidiary)
Corporate shareholder
-has 100% vote
-subsidiary amount of corporation
Under Sec. 332 (Shareholder):
- NO loss/ gain
- basis in assets = carryover (under sec. 334 (b))
- Subsidiary stock basis (recedes)
- After liquidation marks holding period date
Under Sec. 337 (Corporation):
- NO loss/ gain
- Attributes of tax to shareholders + recapture depreciation
Hybrid Liquidation
- Corporate shareholder (and other SH, either individual or corporate) plus 80%
- 80% + NO loss/ gain acknowledged
- other SH acknowledge loss/gain on sold stock
- basis of asset carryover allocated to 80% plus corp. SH (basis of FMV to another)
- NO loss/ gain acknowledged for allocated Assets + corp. Shareholder
- Asset Gain if allocated to another Shareholder
- No Loss on allocation of any asset to ANY Shareholder

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