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There is always a lot of health news coming out from many media sources. It is an essential skill to be able to find high quality health information to assure that we are not being misled by “fake health news”. High-quality health information is also called “evidence-based” information. “Evidence-based” means that the information in question has been shown to be true in legitimate, published scientific studies. To help you stay current this term, each of Prof E’s blog sites will contain a twitter feed that will deliver evidence-based health tweets to you. Keep in mind that tweets are NOT the gold standard in evidence-based research, but they are a quick and easy way to keep abreast of hot topics, if AND ONLY IF, we follow credible sources like those found in Prof E’s blog sites. This assignment introduces you to where you can find reasonably credible tweets as we move through the term. If you use Twitter, you may wish to add some of these sites to your own account to stay abreast of evolving health matters after you complete this health course.
Assignment Instructions:
- Visit this link, which takes you to Prof E’s general health blog page for Health Education 104. (Remember that if you are using a device, you MAY need to click VIEW WEB VERSION at the bottom of the landing page)
- Locate the twitter feed at the left margin.
- Peruse (read briefly) the tweets and find one that interests you. Click the link at the bottom of the tweet that interests you in order to open and read the full article.
- Summarize the content of the article in a REPLY to this assignment and state why the article interests you.
- Answer this question, adding it to your summary: Did you know that you could find EVIDENCE-BASED health information from scholarly medical associations on Twitter?
- Include the evidence-based source of the post (ex: Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, etc) as well as the link to the full article.
- After you make your post, refresh your screen, so that posts of other students appear.
- Review the posts of your peers and select one that interests you, then comment meaningfully on it including a starter statement from this list (Links to an external site.).
Your assignment is complete when you have made one original post AND one meaningful reply post to a peer using a starter statement.
Salt is not bad for you unless you take in too much as most people do by binging in bags of chips. An adult should limit to less than 2,300 milligrams of salt a day,