Week 10 Discussion Answer

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Discussion Instructions:

The discussion section will be in a forum-style format.  Please carefully read the question before you answer it.   Your post must be detailed and provide examples (structures, reactions, etc.), wherever applicable.

Please answer the question below and I would suggest that you be very specific and as much detailed as possible. Write and submit your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 pm.

Discussion Topic: 1) What is Huckel’s rule for aromaticity? 2)  What is the Polygon rule? and 3) How could you use the Polygon rule to explain the unusual stability and instability of cyclobutadiene?   Be specific and use actual structures, and any illustrations to support your answer.

After posting your discussion, you will have the opportunity to reply or comment to two posts of two other classmates. Your comment must be polite and courteous using proper language.   In your reply, you may want to:

  1. Discuss any information you find to be very valuable in their post that is of interest to you.
  2. Provide any feedback to your classmates’ posts by Sunday at 11:59 pm. Any sections or areas of their responses that could be expanded or any thoughtful feedback.

Need help with your discussion preparation?

Huckel’s rule for aromaticity states the rules to be followed or serves as a guide that can be used to identify if a compound is aromatic or not. The rules are the following: 

This question is taken from Chem 212 – Organic Chemistry » Spring 2022 » Discussion