Micronutrient Fact Sheet Answer

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Create a micronutrient fact sheet!  Please read carefully. Your grade will be determined on whether or not you meet each of the requirements below.  Be creative and have fun!

Your task:  CREATE A FACT SHEET (1 – 2 pages maximum) for your micronutrient of choice.  Paste it here for other students to view.  This will serve as your presentation of knowledge.  Respond to at least 2 of your peers.

Ideas for Fact Sheets: https://www.nutrition.gov/basic-nutrition/printable-materials-and-handouts (Links to an external site.)

Be sure to review for scholarly research and government websites for information about your micronutrient.  Start here: https://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic (Links to an external site.)

The “Fact Sheet” must answer each all of the following:

  • What is the name of your micronutrient?
  • How is it involved with health and disease?
  • What are the DRIs for adolescents, adults, and older adults?  Be sure to cite all four reference values:
    • Estimated Average Requirements (EAR);
    • Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA);
    • Adequate Intakes (AI);
    • Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL).
  • What happens if you are too low or too high in that micronutrient?
  • What are good food sources for that nutrient?


Here is an example of a detailed vitamin D fact sheet.  Be creative!  (But make sure that you meet the requirements listed above.)

Need help with your discussion preparation?

Zinc: An Essential Micronutrient

Important Facts:

This question is taken from Nutrition 21 – Nutrition » Spring 2022 » Discussion