Discussion 5 – Chapter 4 Answer

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Hi Class;

Below you’ll find 32 questions from Chapter 4.  Select one question to answer correctly BEFORE a classmate has already answered that one.  5 points to be the first to answer correctly using and citing information from the textbook, PowerPoints and supplemental videos using our regular format.  Zero points if copied & pasted from the web. 

Then, comment on at least one classmate’s initial answer by indicating WHY their response is correct, or why/how it should be modified, and whether their references are correct (another 5 points). 

Total of 10 points possible.

  1. What is average atmospheric pressure at sea level in millibars?
  2. What is average atmospheric pressure at sea level in inches of mercury?
  3. What are High Atmospheric Pressure and Low Atmospheric Pressure?
  4. What is an Anticyclone and what type of weather is it associated with?
  5. What is a cyclone and what type of weather is it associated with?
  6. What is the Pressure Gradient Force?
  7. What are isobars and what does it mean if they are located close together?
  8. What is the Coriolis Effect and what does it do to moving air?
  9. Under which conditions and locations is the Coriolis effect strongest?
  10. How is the Coriolis effect different in the northern and southern hemispheres?
  11. What are Friction Layer Winds and where are they located?
  12. What are Geostrophic Winds and where are they located?
  13. What is the ITCZ, where s it located, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
  14. What are the Trade Winds, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
  15. What are the Sub Tropical High Pressure Zones, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
  16. What are the Prevailing Westerlies, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
  17. What are the Sub Polar Low Pressure Zones, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
  18. What are the Polar Easterlies, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
  19. What are the Polar High Pressure Zones, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
  20. What is the Hadley Cell?
  21. What are the Summer Monsoons, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
  22. What are the Winter Monsoons, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
  23. What are Sea Breezes, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
  24. What are Land Breezes, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
  25. What are Santa Ana Winds, how do they form, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
  26. What 3 specific conditions would make Santa Ana Winds more likely to spread wildfires?
  27. What are Mountain Breezes, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
  28. What are Valley Breezes, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
  29. How is atmospheric pressure actually measured?
  30. What are atmospheric conditions usually like at the North Pole? Why is this?
  31. How/where does the ITCZ move throughout the year and why does it move?
  32. Why is our model of Global Wind & Pressure Zones more accurate along coastlines and less so over continents?

If you run out of questions email me right away – I have more questions along with a message about not waiting till the last minute. 🙂

Need help with your discussion preparation?

11- What are Friction Layer Winds, and where are they located?

                   – As we learned, we have two groups of winds: A)- Geostrophic winds B)- Friction Layer winds

This question is taken from Geography 101 – Physical Geography » Spring 2022 » Discussion