Essay on Literature Search, Rapid Critical Appraisal, and Summary
For this assignment you will use the Quantitative and the Qualitative article that you submitted for week 4 assignment that were related to your week 2 picot question.
Only articles you uploaded and used in week 4 (Quantitative or Qualitative) are to be submitted. Articles must be current (within the last 5 years). All articles must be related to the field of nursing and related to the topic list from week 2.
Write a summary (one to two pages)
In the summary identify differences in article designs and research methods. Describe the differences in your articles designs and methods. Carefully review the rubric before you submit. This summary is using your own words to examine the differences specifically between the articles.
Use current APA style for your summary paper and to cite your sources.
Submit the Articles and the summary
The study of Richard-Denis investigates the prevention for patients who are at risk with sacral pressure. Patients who have spinal cord issue poses risks for sacral pressure due to prolonged period of bed rest. Multi-layer foam dressing and gel mattresses are compared whether there is a significant improvement in preventing pressure injury in individuals. The participants for the study are 315 trauma patients which are admitted to a Level 1 trauma facility. The range for the injury of participants was taken from April 2010 to March 2016.
The researchers have employed participants at the time that they were admitted to the hospital and patients have been following up during their discharge (Richard-Denis, 2017). Participants are chosen if they sustained a spine injury that involved Level 1 to Level 2 intervertebral disk injury. The researchers have used stratified analysis to observe their data on patients who have full paraplegia and tetraplegia. The clinical data and socio-demographic were recorded daily during the hospitalization of the patients. The groups are compared by using a t-test and a chi-square test was employed for the categorical data.