Essay About The Public problem: To Save The California Bay Area From Pollution
with the professor, but may take any approach to site-specificity that you wish, ie, you could
write on contemporary art, more historical work, popular culture, avant-garde practice, and/or
about any artistic media that you choose. Your challenge in doing so will be to connect our
seminar discussions about place-based research with your topic, and also to include your
photo voice project. If possible, please strive to incorporate both primary source material and
secondary sources. These may be drawn from course readings, or from research that you have
conducted independently, but please be careful in vetting your sources, and if you have
questions, don’t hesitate to contact the professor. In all, you should aim to craft an argument
about something that is significant or meaningful about your site-specific work/topic, something
which might draw upon any number of its physical, cultural, and/or historical attributes, but
which should be focused and thoroughly argued in your analysis.
What is an essay? It is a piece of writing in which you make a claim, and attempt to back it up
through evidence. In this case, part of your primary evidence could be based on your personal
observation, but should always be buttressed with solid textual support. There are many concepts
that we will discuss in class that might form the basis of your analysis. In short, try to frame and
organize your extensive observations into the most logical form to explain them to your reader.
And remember, clear, concise prose is always more effective than voluminous, wasteful, and/or
repetitive statements. Meaningful paragraphing is also fundamental to good academic writing.
Please include at least one photovoice image you have taken yourself to illustrate your argument.
You are encouraged to include additional images. Refer to these in the body of your text as “fig.
1,” “fig. 2,” etc. in parentheses, and include the images themselves at the end of the essay in their
own section, rather than embedding them within your text.
All essays should be written in Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on
all sides, using footnotes (not endnotes) that conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. A separate
bibliography or list of works cited is not required. Please also remember to number your pages in
either the footer or header, and to provide your essay with a meaningful title. Please do not
include a title page.
Environmental and Site – specific art:
1. To create an environmental Man made Island
The Palm Island, Dubai UAE-Megastructure Development. May 6, 2013
2. Public problem: To save the California Bay area from pollution.
The California Bay Area pollutes are trash plastic. Ninety percent of trash in waterways does not biodegrade. Most plastics will not biodegrade at all. The tiny pieces of plastic are called microplastics. And by entering the natural ecosystem they are the cause of the pollution in the Bay Area. Likewise, aquatic life and birds can mistake microplastic for their food. It is a huge problem. Please, keep plastic out of the California Bay Area.
California Bay Area is one of the most visited places in the United States because of many attractive sites and many places to go to by tourists and locals alike. The place is known for many tourist attractions and understanding the place will help in knowing the culture and the ways in the said area. In this paper, place research will be used to help understand the views regarding the current environmental problem of the place which is garbage pollution. As much as the place is known for some of its attractive places, there are instances that the place is a hot topic because of the various problems faced and the social implications of such problems. The paper intends to show the social life of the people in the bay area and how it affects the problems of pollution. Looking into the physical locations and the social life can help in providing adequate research on the place in this social research.