Essay on Obesity

Essay on Obesity

Search and Evaluate

This week, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on your topic. Remember that next week you will submit a paper on Cultural and/or Ethical perspectives of inquiry, so use this week’s assignment to prepare materials and collect information for that purpose.

Use articles that will help you explain and describe cultural and/or ethical, legal or regulatory issues related to your topic. You will analyze and evaluate these articles in your submission, which should include:

A brief introductory paragraph
Three separate paragraphs, one for each of the three articles, each presenting:
A brief 3–4 sentence summary of the article (use in-text citations)
An explanation as to what makes this source credible (in the WCU Library go to Research Guides > Research Basics > Evaluating Resources) CLICK LINK BELOW OR SEE ATTACHMENT:

An explanation of why the article will be useful in addressing your problem or issue
A brief conclusory paragraph
An APA Style reference list on a separate page
Your paper should be 1–3 pages in length (including the References page). Adhere to APA Style throughout.


   Obesity is not only a medical issue. Cultural and ethical issues also compound the delivery of care not only to obese residents in nursing homes but also to obese individuals as a whole.

Compounding the problems related to obesity is the fact that race is a significant factor in risk distribution. In the study of Flórez and Abraído-Lanza (2017), it was found that the longer the duration of residence of Latino adults in the United States, the higher is the likelihood of having obesity. The results point to the effective of selective assimilation on the risk of obesity. Assimilation exists when a person adopts the norms, expectations and practices of the host culture such that the avowed identity is replaced by ascribed identity. The results suggest that length of residence exposes a person to greater risk of obesity (Flórez & Abraído-Lanza, 2017).

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