Essay on Racism
Write a summarized paragraph for the article: DiAngelo, R. (2018). White fragility: Why
it’s so hard for White people to talk about racism. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Ch. 2
Write another summarized paragraph for the article: Corley, Nicole A., & Young, Stephen
M. (2018). Is Social Work Still Racist? A Content Analysis of Recent Literature. Social
Work, 63 (4), 317-326
On the last paragraph write a personal reflection on your thoughts on both articles and
how they relate.
I have attached the articles below.
Please cite the sources. Thanks
Why are blacks and other races being considered as an inferior race? Throughout the years, people believed that races not similar to the white people are inferior and people accepted this as a “fact.” This “fact” created the idea of racial inferiority which leads to unequal treatment. According to Ibrahim Kendi (2016) from Robin (2018), those who benefited from the slavery of Black people produced the ideas of racism where Black people deserve to be slaves, or that these people belong to prison cells. Nevertheless, despite the fact that this issue is affecting the colored people, those who are not colored or is considered as “white” is having a hard time discussing the matter of racial discrimination. To explain this, racism is born out of prejudice. If someone suggest that white people have racial prejudice, it is the same as suggesting that while people are bad people. With that, instead of exploring the issue of racial prejudice, they feel the need to defend themselves. Thus, showing why white people are so fragile in talking about racism.