Essay on Life Span: Assessing Observations
Write an essay about Life Span: Assessing Observations.
Life Span Interview: Assessing Observations
Individuals who belong to varying life spans would have different experiences that could curate beliefs and insights that are specific to their own. This observation is present in the two interviews that were conducted. The first interviewee was a male in middle adulthood who is currently 45 years old. His name is Viraj. The second interviewee, on the other hand, is from late adulthood. This is a grandmother who is 72 years old, and her name is Justine. Through these two interviews, it was clear that there were complex issues that were specific to their age group. These issues emerged because of the concerns that arose concerning where they were in their particular age. To an extent, these two interviews were able to showcase the probable accuracy of the observations typically made by psychologists in the field. By observing these two individuals and how they responded to the questions based on their background, it was clear how one’s place in the life span can affect the trajectory of life. These age differences contribute to shaping the mindsets of these individuals and how they have adjusted to their circumstances.