Understanding Emory Douglas’s Political Standpoint: A Preview on the Black Panther Narrative
Write and essay about Understanding Emory Douglas’s Political Standpoint: A Preview on the Black Panther Narrative.
Emory Douglas’ images helped advance, contribute, and promote the arts and literature in the attempt to change people’s cultural values and minds. These images conveyed meanings that surely went above and beyond. Those images, such as the guerilla warrior, the smiling armed woman, and the black woman carrying her baby on the one hand and a rifle on the other, called for debates and solutions to the growing political and social issues during their time. His arts served as mediums and vehicles of political messages that drew attention to civil rights activists and those who wanted to change American society. The question arose to explain how Emory Douglas’ arts served as important parts of the political activities of the Black Panther Party and how those images could amplify political protests. In light of this scenario, Emory Douglas’ arts helped explore some political issues advocated by a few radical groups, such as the Civil Rights Movement, Black Power Movement, and others.