Essay on End of life in health care on physician assisted suicide
• Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms.
• Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor and oppose the use of the techniques or products.
• Express your personal opinion regarding the topic’s importance and the validity of the pro and con arguments.
Your submission must include:
• A title page
• The body of the paper, which includes 4–6 content pages of a professionally written text
• At least three references from textbooks, websites, and articles that provide adequate justification and support your claim
• Subheadings (technical aspects, public policy, and personal opinion/conclusion)
• Appropriate in-text citations throughout the paper
• A reference list with only the sources used in the body of the paper (All sources should be less than five years old unless recent research is not available, and at least one reference must be a peer-reviewed article from a professional journal. Do not use Wikipedia or an encyclopedia as they are not considered reliable academic sources and will not be accepted.)
• APA style formatting throughout your paper
I turned in my outline (which u will send you also so you can also go based on that) my teacher wrote comments about the outline please include what he says in the comment below.
Teachers comment: Please include a section on technical aspects section to discuss underlying conditions associated with PAS/demographic data…or even the drugs used. Should have at least one paragraph on the pro argument and on on the con. Really helps to find papers that address the ethics of the issue. AMA journal of ethics database is a good place for information.
If you have any questions please contact me anytime 🙂 I will be sending the outline
Technical Aspects
Physician-assisted suicide is when the physician facilitates a patient’s death through medical or scientific means. In this process, the physician provides information to the patient about how death can be achieved. Thus, physician-assisted suicide occurs typically when the patient is facing an incurable disease, ideally in contrast with the physician’s role in the patient’s healing process. However, physicians must remain professional during these times and should not abandon the patient when the disease is identified as incurable. The end of life care is instead a challenging task for many physicians.