Essay on Nursing Evolution

Essay on Nursing Evolution

Dear writer, This paper is mainly regarding the learning outcome (experiences ) that i gained from the 3 courses that I currently have (medical surgical nursing ), the clinicals which includes the nursing home once a week and skills lab once a week. I also attached a sample of this Nursing evolution paper. So pretty much it should be the same concept as the sample one. Hope that helps.
Thank you in advance

 Nursing is a profession that needs substantial knowledge, skills, and attitude to give the best care that every patient deserves. Nursing practice and knowledge on theories and concepts are interconnected and cannot be separated. A nurse should be equipped with the theories and concepts to have the skill for nursing practice.

The Nurs 120 course has taught me the knowledge, skills, and attitude that I need in my future endeavor as a nursing student and as a nurse in the future. The concepts and theories that I learned in the lectures and skills lab prepared me for my clinical experience. The clinical setting experience was challenging, but I was able to accomplish it with the help of the concepts and theories that I learned and the skills taught to us. I learned that nursing care depends on individual needs.

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