Essay on Hamlet by Shakespeare
Consider any of the following statements/questions as possible paper topics. You may use any of them. In your paper, please include some source material [textual evidence]. Consider the class discussions, the themes we discussed, issues about all of these characters, symbolic imagery [food, disease], plot issues, atmosphere, and tone. Using the language of the classroom and material from your notes and the book, you should be able to formulate a good 3-4 page essay on the play.
1.What kind of a man is Polonius? Is he a loveable character? A villain? A fool? Should we detest him? Pity him? And finally, how does Hamlet seem to see him? See Act II, scene ii.
2.How do Claudius, Laertes, Fortinbras and Horatio help to define Hamlet for us?
3.Discuss Hamlet’s scenes with the ghost in Act I, scenes iv and v. What do these two scenes tell you about him? What does his language, his reaction to the ghost reveal about his personality, his true willingness to act?
4.What does Hamlet’s very last speech reveal about the theme of death? [“You that look pale and tremble at this chance…”]
In Hamlet, Polonius is the father of both Laertes and Ophelia. He is also Lord Chamberlain of Claudius’s court.
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