Biological Classification of the Living Primates
- Analogy = a feature that evolves independently in different groups as a result of similar evolutionary pressures resulting in similar adaptations.
- Homology= a characteristic that is similar in various groups of organisms because of their origin from a common ancestor possessing that characteristic.
Primitive vs. Derived
- Primitive feature = features that are similar in form to that of an ancestor.
- Derived feature = features that have undergone change from the ancestral form.
Biological Classification
- Binomial nomenclature = classificatory system for organisms devised by Linnaeus featuring the binomen (genus and species).
- Genus = taxonomic level above species and bellow subfamily; a group of closely related species.
- Species = a group of individuals that can potentially interbreed and produce fertile offspring (biological definition of species).
Biological Classification
How do we determine taxonomic relationships?
- Recency of divergence – how recently two groups shared a common ancestor.
For example, Homo sapiens and Pan troglodytes last shared a common ancestor 5-7 mya.
- To what extent the groups diverged – how much each group has changed in the time since they shared a common ancestor.
The Order Primates
- Kindom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Subphylum: Vertebrata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Primates
- Family: Hominidae
- Genus: Homo
- Species: sapiens
- Genus: Homo
- Family: Hominidae
- Order: Primates
- Class: Mammalia
- Subphylum: Vertebrata
- Phylum: Chordata
The Order Primates
- Order originated approximately 65 million years ago.
- Habitat: tropics and subtropics in South America (New World) and Africa/Asia (Old World).
- Dietary Specializations:
- Folivory (leaf-eating)
- Frugivory (fruit-eating)
- Gramnivory (seed-eating)
- Gummivory (gum-eating)
- Insectivorous (insect-eating)
- Omnivorous (eat a variety of plants, fruits, nuts, protein, etc.)
Characteristics of Primates
1.) Retention of unspecialized limb structure:
- Retention of five fingers and five toes
- Retention of clavicle
2.) Nails rather than claws
3.) Grasping hind feet with opposable first toes
4.) Increased emphasis on vision:
- Forward facing eyes (allowing for better depth perception)
- Expanded occipital and temporal lobes of the brain.
- Color vision (in most primates)
5.) Complete ring of bone around the orbit:
- postorbital bar
6.) Enlarged brain relative to overall body size.
7.) Less emphasis on olfaction:
- Shortened snout
- Small olfactory bulb
8.) Longer period of fetal nourishment/development.
- Intrauterine development
- Prolonged stages of lifespan
9.) Longer period of infant dependency.
10.) Most live in social groups with well-developed communication systems.
Two Suborders
- Strepsirhini Prosimians
- Haplorhini Anthropoidea
Infraorder Strepsirhini
- Among oldest living primates.
- Developed sense of smell
- Enlarged olfactory bulb & scent glands
- Combination of nails and claws
- Less dexterity
- Geographic range: Madagascar and Southeast Asia.
- Lemurs (ring-tailed, black and white ruffed), indri, safakia, lorises, galagos, pottos).
Infraorder Strepsirhini
- Relatively smaller brain
- No postorbital closure
- Orbits with more lateral orientation
- Unfused mandible
- Longer snout
- Moist rhinarium (nose)
- Toothcomb
- Grooming claw
Infraorder Tarsiiformes
- Vertical clingers and leapers.
- Huge eye orbits for nocturnality.
- Tapetum lucidum
- Unfused mandible.
- Grooming claw
- Molars with sharp, pointy cusps.
- Categorized differently depending upon the textbook!
Sub Order Haplorhini
- Relatively larger brain
- Postorbital closure
- Orbits with more forward orientation
- Fused mandible
- Molars with flatter cusps
- Shorter snout
- Continuous upper lip
- Nails on all digits
Infraorder Platyrrhini
New World Monkeys
- One subfamily:
- Ceboids
- Spider monkeys, squirrel monkeys, capuchins, tamarin, marmosets, howler monkeys, woolly monkeys, saki, uakari
- Side-directed nostrils
- Dental formula: 2-1-3-3
- No bony ear tube
- Prehensile tail.
- Lower levels of sexual dimorphism
- Geographic Range: Central and South America
NWM: Prehensile Tails
Infraorder Catarrhini
Old World Monkeys, Apes, Humans
- Terrestrial and arboreal
- Geographic Range: Africa and Asia
- Two subfamilies:
- cercophithecoids
- colobines
- Baboons, macaques, mandrills, geladas, vervet monkeys, guenons colobus moneys
Old World Monkeys
- Forward or down-directed nostrils
- Dental Formula: 2-1-2-3
- Higher levels of sexual dimorphism.
- Bony ear tube
- Bilophodont molars (two cusps)
- Narrow thorax
- Tail (but not prehensile)
- Ischial callosities (tough sitting pads on the rear)
Colobus Monkeys and Langur
Bilophodont or Y-5?
Molars have different numbers of cusps.
- Bilophodont (two lobes). (found in Old World Monkeys)
- Y-5 (cusps in the shape of a “Y”). (found in Superfamily Hominoidea)
Ischial Callosites
- Tough sitting pads on the rear (ischial callosities).
- Old World Monkeys tend to rest in the sitting position.
Superfamily Hominoidea
Apes and Humans
- Largest relative brain size
- Y5 molar pattern
- Broad thorax
- No tail
SuperFamily Hominoidea
Lesser Apes:
(gibbon, siamang)
- Skilled brachiators.
- Long arms in comparison with legs.
Superfamily Hominoidea
Great Apes:
Orangutan, Chimpanzee, Bonobo, Gorilla
- Sagittal crest in gorilla, orangutan
- Chimpanzees and Humans omnivorous
- Humans characterized by skeletal structure for bipedalism
Sagittal Crest (Gorilla)

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Anthropology 111 – Lab Human Biological Evolution
1. Biological Anthropology as a Science
2. Genetics
3. Genetics: The Basics
4. Natural Selection
5. Microevolution and Limits on Natural Selection
6. Human Osteology
7. Living Primates