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Political Autobiography 1
Political Autobiography 1
Purpose: Throughout our entire lives people have helped shape who we are and what we believe. Parents, friends, teachers, and the media (to name a few) have all had great influences on what we think. Throughout the semester, we will be examining our political thoughts and beliefs on a wide variety of current issues. But first, I would like you examine your political roots (perhaps discover them for the first time!) and realize how you have been socialized to politics.
Directions: Please write a two (2) page minimum (typed, Times New Roman, double-spaced) political autobiography on your current political thoughts and beliefs, and where these views came from.
Include the following:
- Early Political Events: What is the first political event you can remember? How did the adults in your household react? How did this impact you?
- Family Discussions: Do you talk about politics and public policies at home with your family? How often? If yes, how do you feel about this? If no, do you wish your family talked more about current issues? Explain…
- Participation in Your Household: Are any of the adult members of your family politically active? To which of the major parties, if either of them, do the adults in your household belong? Are you already involved, or do you have a desire to be?
- Outside Influences: What other persons have had some influence on your political views? Perhaps a coach, pastor or mentor, or celebrity has persuaded you in some way? What impact has school or your teachers had on your views?
- Peer Influence: Are any of your friends interested in politics? If so, do you discuss your views with them? Do they influence your views?
- Personal Views: How would you describe your feelings about politics today? Are you a Republican, Democrat, an Independent, or in favor of a minor party’s policies? What are the issues (pick 2-3) that are most important to you? What is your stance on these issues and why are they important to you?
- Personal Development: Discuss whether your political influences have evolved over time. If you have noticed a change in your opinions on an issue or on politics in general, to what do you attribute this change? If you haven’t really changed, do you anticipate ever changing? In other words, how firm are your beliefs?
- Personal Certainty: How certain are you about what you believe politically? If you are uncertain, why do you think that is? If firm and resolute, why?
- Other Events/Ideas: You may also include anything else you can think of that is relevant to you as a political being (such as which of the influences (family, peers, media or other) has made the largest impact on you, a major event in the world that changed your opinion or your level of interest, a personal or family experience that changed you, etc)
You will be graded on your ideas and whether you answer the prompts thoroughly and completely. While I will not deduct points for grammar and punctuation (because for now I am more concerned with your honesty, self-analysis, and ability to help me understand your political history), I do expect you to follow standard writing rules. Remember, this is my first impression of you as a writer. Do your best.