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HR Trends Assignment
HR Trends Assignment
Part A: (Textbook)
- Identify the three roles of HR. Briefly explain the roles in your own words.
- Identify the seven functions of HR . Pick three of the seven functions and briefly explain each function in your own words.
Your explanation for each item should not be more than three sentences.
Part B: (Website)
Deloitte identified ten (10) Human Capital Trends in 2020. (Links to an external site.)
- Watch the video on the top of the screen (click “Watch and Explore”).
- Each trend has an article. To read the articles, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
- Pick two trends that are interesting to you and complete the following:
- a) summarize three main points for each trend.
- b) explain how the two trends you have chosen relate to your current job as an employee in an organization or why the topic interests you.
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This question is taken from BUSAD 144 – Human Resources I » Spring 2021 » Assignments