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Compensation Plans Assignment
Compensation Plans Assignment
Compensation Plans
2) Identify three important facts for each video (each fact should be at least three sentences).
3) Based on the information you have learned in this Chapter and Chapter 5, use the textbook, internet, chapter websites, etc. to answer the the following questions for Option 1 OR Option 2:
Option 1
- If you are currently working, do you think you are paid according to the market? Why or why not? (You will need your current job description or similar one to identify education and experience requirements).
- What is the salary range and quartile that your current salary falls under?
- What does your total compensation package include ? How did this change your total compensation?
Option 2
- Find your ideal career job and job description
2b. Based on the education and experience for the job, what is the current salary range?
2c. What else would you want included in your total compensation package? How does that impact your total compensation?