Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Psychological Sciences 111D – Child Development » Discussions » Discussion Board 5: Your Emotion Processing Approach Your Emotion Processing Approach – Makeba Parramore Wilbourn
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Discussion Board 5: Your Emotion Processing Approach Your Emotion Processing Approach – Makeba Parramore Wilbourn
Discussion Board 5: Your Emotion Processing Approach Your Emotion Processing Approach – Makeba Parramore Wilbourn
Think about how you process emotions and react in emotional situations before posting on this discussion board.
On this discussion board, write an original post in which you reflect on how you process emotions and react in emotional situations. Think about the adults around you who may have helped shape these tendencies when you were a child (e.g., parents or guardians, close family members, family friends, or others — whoever may have had a significant impact on your social development!). Comment on whether these individuals commonly reacted to your expressions of emotion using emotion-coaching or emotion-dismissing approaches. Feel free to provide examples, if you like! Do you think that these interactions are associated with how you react in emotional situations today?