Quiz 3 Chapter 3 All Questions

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Quiz 3 Chapter 3 All Questions


Quiz 3 Chapter 3

1.  In osmosis, movement of water occurs toward the solution with the lower solute concentration.

  1. True
  2. False

2.  Peroxisomes

  1. are also called microbodies, and contain acid hydrolases
  2. are able to detoxify substances by enzymatic action
  3. function to digest particles ingested by endocytosis
  4. All of the choices

3.  A red blood cell placed in pure water would ________.


  1. Shrink
  2. swell initially, then shrink as equilibrium is reached
  3. neither shrink nor swell
  4. swell and burst

4. If the nucleotide or base sequence of the DNA strand used as a template for messenger RNA synthesis is ACGTT, then what would be the sequence of bases in the corresponding mRNA?

  1. TGCAA
  2. ACGTT
  3. UGCAA
  4. GUACC
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This question is taken from Physiology 001 – Introduction to Human Physiology » Summer 2021 » Quiz 3 Chapter 3