Discussion–Community Fall 2021

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Discussion–Community Fall 2021


Discussion–Community Fall 2021

The term “community” has many different meanings and has evolved over time.  What did community mean in the past, and what does it mean today?  How are communities formed and what causes them to be formed?

A) What are common assumptions about what community means, and are these assumptions valid? Support your answer with examples from your reading in this module. Cite specific examples from your reading with the page numbers in parentheses in MLA format.


B) How do Sarah Adams, Shari Caudron, and Mackensie Griffin define community? Support your answer with examples from your reading in this module. Cite specific examples from your reading with the page numbers in parentheses in MLA format.



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This question is taken from English 101 – Freshman English » Fall 2021 » Discussions