Movie Worksheet Food Chains and Food Webs

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Movie Worksheet Food Chains and Food Webs


Movie Worksheet Food Chains and Food Webs


1. What are the groups into which we can place animals according to what they eat?


2. What is the first basic food chain shown?


3. What is an example of a marine food web?


4. What happens to zebras in the LONG TERM if lions are removed from the savanna food chain?


5. What % (percent) of plant mass comes from the CO2 and water they absorb? 

What comprises the remaining %?


6.Who are the producers in a food chain?


7.  Why are animals considered consumers?


8. Why is there less energy available to transfer from one level to the next as we move up the food chain?


9. Why are there many more herbivores than large predators in ecosystems?


10. Can a predator in a food web also become prey? If yes, what example is used?


11.  Why the more complicated the food web, the more stable it is


12  Who consumes animals that die from old, age, injury, or disease?


13. Bacteria and fungi are collectively classified as …


14 What factors influence the rate of decomposition?


15.  Why are decomposers vital to any ecosystem?


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This question is taken from Geo 1010 – Physical Geography » Fall 2021 » Movie Worksheets