Week 3 Discussion: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

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Week 3 Discussion: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties


Week 3 Discussion: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Please choose one of the following questions and react to it briefly in the discussion boards.

Discussion question options:

  • Consider the Bill of Rights and what is included in these Constitutional Amendments. Is there a right or liberty that is missing that you think should be added? Is there something there you think should be removed? Why?


  • In Shelby County v. Holder in 2013, the US Supreme Court struck down provisions that forced state and local governments with a history of discrimination to get any changes to their voting laws or practices precleared by the federal government. In doing so, they argued this was an undue burden on states, and essentially, that racial discrimination in voting laws is no longer an issue. Do you agree with this decision? Why?


  • Free speech and censorship on the internet, pertaining to “fake news” and other concerns regarding disinformation, has been discussed at length in recent years. Do you believe technology companies, e.g. Facebook, Google, should play a lighter or heavier role in regulating speech on the internet? Why?

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This question is taken from Pol Sci 21A – Introduction to American Politics » Fall 2021 » Discussions