Showing up and shining!

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Showing up and shining!


Showing up and shining!

First, please view Amy Cuddy’s 20 minute TED Talk. 

Ask yourself the questions below. Based on your responses to the questions, write one paragraph only (no more) that responds to one or more of the questions. Remember, only one paragraph: 4 – 6 sentences. Use GRAMMATICALLY PARALLEL construction in your paragraph and underline the grammatically parallel ideas. (25 points) Initial post Friday at 11:59 p.m. 

Respond to 3 peers (15 points) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. 

  • What Key Concepts did Cuddy discuss?
  • What New Information did you gain as you build your Business English and Career Success Knowledge Base?
  • What was most helpful to you to become a better presenter? 

Reflect – Organize / Outline – Draft – Revise – Post

Writing is a process. Writers need to reflect on their information base and their interesting ideas. Then the good writers organize ideas in a logical flow that can be viewed in an outline format (or a cluster diagram). Skilled writers draft an initial message and set that aside. Perhaps 24 hours later, the writer returns to his or her written work and revises it to make sure it is clear, concise and complete. Only then does the writer post the work for others to read effortlessly with minimal misunderstanding (hopefully!)

The writing process gives 50% of the time to “reflecting on ideas, generating ideas, and then organizing those ideas”; and 25% of the time to writing, and 25% of the time revising. 

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This question is taken from BUSAD 106 – Written Business Communication » Fall 2021 » Discussions