Human evolution

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Human evolution


Human evolution

For several years we humans have practiced artificial evolution, from specialty crops in agriculture(fruits and vegetables) to our livestock(chicken and cows)  and even our pets (dogs and cats). We’ve been able to artificially select the traits we wish to enhance while reducing the traits we wish to eliminate. This has lead to efficient crops that withstand harsh weather, larger livestock, and various types of dog breeds.


Given our advancements in medicine and human genetics we have come to a point where we can now begin to alter our own DNA. Watch the following video which discusses a potential scenario where we humans control our own evolution.

  • Provide your thoughts on humans controlling the genetics of future generations. There are negatives and positives to take into account? What do you think would be the worst case scenario and best case scenario to altering your own genes?


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This question is taken from Biology 003 – Introduction to Biology » Fall 2021 » Discussions