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Module 5 – DQ #1
Module 5 – DQ #1
Let’s jump into learning about women’s lives and various lived experiences in the post-World War II period in the United States. We’re focusing on 1945, the year WWII ended, through 1965.
Questions – Number Your Responses:
1. Seven (7) sentences minimum – How did intersectionality factor into women’s various lived experiences in the United States before and after World War II (1920-1965)? Was life the same for all women? (Hint: No. Of course not. What was factoring into women’s different experiences? Think class, race, location, ethnicity, and more. Think intersectionally.)
2. Seven (7) sentences minimum – Think of one story or experience that a woman shared in the PBS video. Compare/contrast it to today. Does it still happen in 2021? Why or why not?
3. Seven (7) sentences minimum – According to the video, what were the various reasons women began pushing back on their prescribed gender roles in post-war America? How were women and their expectations changing?