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Exam 3
Exam 3
1. In the context of the components of reciprocity ________ is the extent to which the amount of what is given back is roughly the same as what was received.
- Immediacy
- Interest
- Valence
- Equivalence
- Trust
2. We reviewed many different leadership theories, including two different situational theories, Fielder’s Contingency Theory (FCT) and Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (HBS). Which of the following correctly represents the most important difference between how we apply these two different perspectives?
- FCT uses a table with different combination. HBS uses a chart.
- In FCT the leader can’t adapt to the situation. He/she can try to change the situation or can find a new situation altogether. In HBS the leader is supposed to adapt to the situation by changing his/her style.
- In FCT there are 3 situational variables. In HBS there is 1 situational carriable.
- In FCT the leader ignores the situation. He/she will use his/her natural style and it will be effective. In HBS the leader uses the situation because he/she changes his/her style based on his/her legitimate power.
- In FCT there are two types. In HBS there are 4 styles.
3. A _______ is the range of authoritative requests to which a subordinate is willing to respond without subjecting the directives to critical evaluation or judgement.
- Zone of difference
- Region of insensibility
- Territory of unconcern
- Section of apathy
- Region of inattention
4. Which of the following lists most adequately describes the sources of power held by the experimenter in relation to the “teacher” (participant) in the Milgram Experiments?
- Legitimate power, referent power, coercive power, information power and reward power
- Legitimate power, referent power, expert power, and power-rangers
- Process power, reward power, coalitions power, and scheduling power
- Legitimate power, reward power, representative power, and coalitions power
- Legitimate power, information power, and expert power
5. “Win, win,” is the motivation behind:
- Distributive negotiation
- Unrealistic negotiation
- Bargaining
- Fair-trade negotiation
- Integrative negotiation
6. GLOBE researchers analyzed data on 62 countries using the dimensions of culture. What was the general finding?
- The geographical regions could not be analyzed in clusters because they overlapped too much.
- All of the clusters of countries viewed leadership in the same way.
- The leadership attributes that are most often carried out and most effective, depend on the culture.
- No meaningful generalizations could be made across cultures.
- Regional clusters were found to be unique, however the information about each cluster is difficult to interpret.
7. The central idea of the decision-making model developed by Vroom, Yetton, and Jago is that ________ .
- The decision-making method used should be appropriate to the problem being solved.
- Authority decisions are superior to consultative decisions
- Decisions should be made in the most cost-efficient manner possible.
- Consultative decisions are superior to authority decisions.
- Group decision making is superior to authority or consultative decision making
8. Juliet and Romeo both worth for TeleComVid organization. Juliet is in low-quality LMX relationship with her boss and Romeo is in a high-quality LMX relationship with his boss. Given that information, which of the following statements is likely to be true?
- Juliet and her boss trust, respect, and show loyalty toward each other.
- Both Romeo and Juliet would be considered in their bosses’ in-group.
- Romeo’s relationship with his boss has low trust, little respect, and only contractual exchanges.
- Romeo is experiencing low job satisfaction and is thinking of quitting.
- Juliet is experiencing low job satisfaction and is thinking of quitting.
9. According to lecture, which of the following is INCORRECT about early trait theory?
- It was successful at finding a relationship between the traits of leaders and non-leaders in predicting organizational outcomes.
- It has been labelled the great-person theory but could really be called the great- “old white man” theory.
- The following are examples of the individuals studied in this theory: Shakespeare, Rousseau, Napoleon, & Luther
- It suggests that leaders are born, and leadership cannot be taught.
- It assumes traits play a central role in differentiating between leaders and non-leaders.
10. In the Vroom, Yetton and Jago decision-making model, _________ involves the leader sharing the problem with group members collectively, but then deciding on the problem solution alone.
- (CII) Consultative II decisions
- (AII) Individual autocratic II decisions.
- (AIII) Individual autocratic III decisions.
- (A1) Individual autocratic I decisions
- (CI) Consultative I decisions.
11. Whenever he is involved in an disagreement, harry tries to partially satisfy both his concerns and the other party’s concerns through bargaining and appropriate trade-offs. Harry uses which conflict management style?
- Collaboration
- Accommodation
- Competition
- Compromise
- avoidance
12. Which one of the following statements does NOT provide an accurate description of Stanley Milgram’s experiments?
- Milgram designed a series of experiments to determine the extent to which people obey the commands of an authority figure, even if they believe they are endangering the life of another person.
- Experimental subjects were falsely told that the purpose of the experiment was to determine the effects of punishment on the learning of word pairs.
- Experimental subjects were instructed to give what they believed were progressively higher levels of electric shocks to people who missed the word pairs.
- The experimental results revealed that 65 percent of participants refused to obey the experimenter.
- The fundamental conclusion of Milgram’s studies is there is a tendency for individuals to comply with and be obedient to authority.
13. __________ is the tendency in negotiations to stake out your position based on the assumption that in order to claim your portion, something must be subtracted from the other party’s portion of what is available.
- The myth of the fixed pie.
- Overconfidence
- The telling problem
- The selling problem
- Escalating commitment
14. An organization needs to cut costs. An example of a (n) __________ is when two members of a department have different ideas for how to do this.
- Discretionary goal
- Relational conflict
- Emotional conflict
- Process conflict
- Substantive conflict
15. Jason went shopping for a new sports car. He found one listed at $45,000. He was prepared to spend up to $41,000. His first offer was $38,000. The dealer quickly accepted this offer, thereby saving Jason $7000 off of the sticker price and $3000 from what he was prepared to pay. However, driving home in his new sports car, Jason wasn’t feeling well. Why was he suffering?
- Anchoring and adjustments
- The mythical fixed pie
- Confirmation trap
- Irrational escalation of commitment
- The winner’s curse
16. Loradana is the type of leader who shows high concern for people’s feelings and tries to make things pleasant for her subordinates. However, she is not particularly good at explaining tasks or getting people to produce. According to the behavioral theories, she could be described ass a leader ______ .
- Using authority compliance management
- With a production centered focus
- With a strong relations orientation
- With high initiating structure
- With a strong task orientation
17. Kevin has a tendency to get attracted to and form relationships with those who have similar aspirations and values as him. This tendency of Kevin’s is termed _______ .
- The contagion effect
- Immediacy
- Hedonism
- Homophily
- Equivalence
18. According to the text, the essence of power is ___________ .
- Being a respected person.
- Influence over the behavior of others.
- Having a Machiavellian personality
- The ability to dominate others
- Personal desire
19. The _____ ethical framework considers ethical behavior to be that which delivers the greatest good to the greatest number of people.
- Utilitarianism
- Individualism
- Human rights
- Justice
- Moral rights
20. Which of the following describes the “path through leadership” that we followed in class while we were going through the research that has been done on leadership?
- First, we looked at a global perspective, then the leader’s relationship, then their traits, behaviors, and their situational influences.
- There is no path through leadership. This while thing is a mess.
- First, we looked at the leaders that followers see as magical, then their situational influences, then followers’ perspective of leaders, then the leader’s behaviors, then the leader’s traits, then a combination, then his/her relationships, and we ended with a global perspective.
- First, we looked at he leader’s traits, then his/her behaviors, then the situation, then leaders who have a profound effect on followers, and we ended with a global perspective.
- First we looked at the leader’s relationships, then his or her behaviors, then the situation, and ended with a global perspective.
21. According to the Machiavellian tradition, is the management of influence to obtain ends not sanctioned by the organization or to obtain sanctioned ends through nonsanctioned influence means.
- Organizational politics
- Organizational psychology.
- Organizational power
- Social science
- Organizational sociology
22. Which of the following is NOT correct regarding distributive negotiation?
- A minimum reservation point is one negotiator’s minimum acceptable outcome.
- Negotiations can proceed effectively when a negative bargaining zone exists.
- A key task for any negotiator is to discover the other party’s reservation point.
- The bargaining zone is the difference between one negotiator’s minimum reservation point and the other party’s maximum reservation point.
- A maximum reservation point is one negotiator’s maximum acceptable outcome
23. All of the following statements relating to escalating commitment are correct EXCEPT:
- When decision makers are personally responsible for the original investment decision, they are more likely to make this error.
- Decision makers focus on the sunk costs, not opportunity costs, of the current course of action.
- After resources are committed to an initial course of action, more resources are invested.
- Research shows that people tend to allocate more money to failing projects and divisions than successful ones.
- Once it is determined that a chosen course of action is “not working,” decision makers will re-group and select a different course of action.
24. After taking this class, you are talking with your friends about building a professional network. Your friend says that he doesn’t worry about networking because, he says, “I’m smart and I work hard. That’s all I need.” You know about network centrality and want to help him, so you might say something like:
- “It’s great that you are smart and work hard, but the more central you are in a network the more exposure you have. This can give you more opportunities.”
- “As long as you network with similar people, you should have no trouble with network immediacy.”
- “As you work hard, your professional network will grow naturally.”
- “Networks matter, but only when trying to raise money for a charity or planning a trip in Europe.”
- “You are right. Building a network is a waste of time for you.”
25. In the Big Red Orange Negotiation activity, we learned that:
- It is challenging to meet both substance and relationship goals in a negotiation.
- When there is one seller, they have more negotiating power than two buyers.
- This was a distributive negation with no opportunity for it to become integrative.
- What at first may seem like a situation where what one side wins, the other side loses, may in fact be on opportunity for an integrative solution.
- Dysentery is a nasty illness.
26. Karl is the manager of an emerging department. He refuses to allow engineers to share their drawings outside of the department. By doing this, Karl is exercising which type of connection power?
- Representative power
- Coercive power
- Information power
- Reward power
- Control power
27. You have been told that Mark is a charismatic leader. Based on charismatic leader characteristics, you’d expect people to say all of the following things about him EXCEPT:
- “Mark doesn’t like making changes.”
- “Mark has as a powerful effect on me.”
- “Mark motivates me to be committed to our goals.”
- “Mark has a real charm and social magnetism.”
28. Julie is a manager at PetCo and she is trying to build her power in the organization. As a result, Julie is enacting a certain set of behaviors. If you were to give Julie advice, given that she is trying to build her influence, which of the following behaviors would you suggest that she STOP doing?
- She is sending memos to her boss when either she or her department have work related successes.
- She is building her network across other PetCos.
- She is reading a lot on the industry and her organization.
- She is attending a managerial training course once a week in the evening.
29. The in-class demonstration which we were guessing the distance in miles from the earth to the moon demonstrated, which of the following decision-making heuristics or biases?
- Hindsight
- Availability
- Confirmation trap
- Representativeness
- Anchoring and adjustment
30. Which of the following is a true statement about transformational leaders?
- They abdicate responsibilities, thus avoiding taking action or making decisions.
- They use idealized influence and inspirational leadership.
- They rely on contingent rewards.
- They act only when there are problems or when the required standards are not met.
- They use active management by exception.
31. The in-class Job Applicant negotiation activity demonstrated the importance of which of the following?
- Knowing your conflict style
- Using a mediator
- Maintaining harmony
- Framing
- Learning the other party’s interests
32. Creative solutions often involve the development of unique and novel responses to problems or situations. How might you describe the theme of what was demonstrated in our in-class creativity exercises?
- Thinking outside of the box
- Golf is hard
- Repeating an existing course of action
- Virtual large lectures are conducive to creativity
- Introducing an unexpected tool
33. The behavioral decision maker is viewed as acting most often under _________ conditions and with _________ information.
- Neutral; limited
- Certain; full
- Uncertain; limited
- Neutral; full
- Complex; full
34. In class when we discussed decision making, we noted the critical role that ethics play in the decision-making process. Imagine that James, your boss, made the following decision: In an attempt to cover up a decrease in sales, he falsified information in the business records. James most likely
Checked the implications for all stakeholders
Checked the integrity of the decision that he implemented
Made sure that this decision reflected the best ends and used the right means.
Focused on the moral implications.
Did not consider how he would feel if his behavior became public.
35. _________ occurs when two or more people who depend on one another work together in an influence relationship to get things done. This is _________ when there is a dynamic, interactive influence process among the team members to achieve group and organizational goals
- Teamwork; informal
- Leadership; shared
- Teamwork; relational
- Leadership; implicit
- Leadership; informal
36. Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership requires the leader to adjust their style (task behaviors and relationship behaviors) based on the ___________ .
- Willingness of leaders to interact with their followers.
- Readiness of leaders to empower their followers.
- The employee’s developmental level of readiness.
- Willingness of followers to embrace a broad zone of indifference.
37. Which of the following is not a benefit of conflict?
- Functional conflict can decrease the amount of information used for decision making.
- Functional conflict can cause decisions to be considered carefully
- Functional conflict can bring important problems to the surface so they can be addressed.
- Functional conflict can cause decisions to be reconsidered to ensure that the right course of action is being followed.
- Functional conflict can offer opportunities for creativity that can improve individual, team, or organizational performance.
38. Which conflict handling style would be best if the situation needs someone to make a quick decisive decision (such as in an emergency)?
- Accommodating
- Avoiding
- Competing
- Compromising
- Collaborating
39. All of the following about the Lost at Sea Survival in-class group activity are true EXCEPT:
- The demonstrated that it is possible that an expert could still make a better decision than a team.
- The exercise aimed to demonstrate that teams are likely to make better decisions than individuals.
- It represented an uncertain decision environment.
- It represented a certain decision environment in which you had to make programmed decisions.
- It reflects the behavioral decision-making view because it demonstrates bounded rationality.
40. One of your Expatriate managers in a subsidiary in BeBeepland has just called to inform you of a predicament that recently occurred. Apparently, an employee was caught stealing from the cafeteria to feed his starving children. A Host Country manager had cut off this man’s hands and the police took no action. Your Expatriate manager decided not to intercede because Bebeepland, cutting off hands for stealing is “right.” Which of the cross-cultural ethical frameworks did the expatriate manager follow?
- Ethical relativism
- Ethical absolutism
- Cosmopolitanism
- Ethical universalism
- Ethical dilemma
41. Which of the following characterizations of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) is NOT accurate?
- Out-group followers tend to primarily emphasize the more formal job requirements.
- Out-group followers would be likely to function as advisors and close assistants to the leader.
- LMX assesses the degree to which leaders and followers have high-quality or low-quality exchange relationships.
- In-group followers have higher quality exchanges with the leader.
- In-group followers have higher quality exchanges with the leader.
42. Susan and Jane are both trying to sell their artwork at an art show. They have to negotiate with potential customers to sell their work. Susan has a better BATNA. Without making any other assumptions, which of the pieces of information below does that fact tell you might be true about Susan?
- Susan used more popular color.
- Susan has a better booth location at the show.
- Susan has a deal to sell paintings to another party such as a gallery.
- Susan has lower reservation prices.
- Susan is a better painter.
43. Which of the following is INCORRECT in terms of the LPC scale?
- It is widely accepted measure of leadership style due to its reliability and validity.
- If you rate your least preferred coworker lower, then according to the scale, your style is task focused.
- Fielder developed it as an assessment to determine if a person’s leadership style was more task or more relationship focused.
- If you rate your least preferred coworker higher, then according to the scale, your style is relationship focused.
- It stands for Least Preferred Co-worker.
44. In class we discussed whether you felt like you were your parent’s favorite child all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
- Having favorites, whether intentional or not, is likely to happen for both parents and bosses.
- Discussing parental favorites provides a parallel example for the way in-group and out-group status works in LMX relationship theory.
- Individuals who are their parents’ favorites are also more likely to be in-group subordinates to their bosses.
- Favorite children and in-group subordinates both tend to receive more benefits due to their status.
- Non-favorite children and out-group subordinates both tend to receive benefits due to their status.
45. All of the following are important attitudinal or behavioral foundations to reaching an integratice agreement EXCEPT?
- Maintain silence
- Focus on interests and not positions
- Share information
- Separate the people from the problem
- Be willing to trust the other party
46. An example of the application of the _______ is that when someone asks us to think of as many words as we can with the letter “r” in them, we are more likely to come up with words with “r” as the first letter than words with “r” where “r” is not the first letter.
- Suitability heuristic
- Productiveness heuristic
- Anchoring and adjustment heuristic
- Representativeness heuristic
- Availability heuristic.