Quiz 7

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Quiz 7


Quiz 7


1.   Tina is in a romantic love relationship with John. She is very intimate with him and does not place emphasis on connections outside of her relationship with him. She also has a very small social network. In the context of cross-cultural variations in romantic relationships, Tina’s relationship is most likely characteristic of a(n)        

  1.  communist country.
  2. individualistic country.
  3. collectivist country.
  4. Marxist country.


2.   According to Piaget, the _____ stage of cognitive development characterizes adults as well as adolescents.        

  1. sensorimotor
  2. formal operational
  3. preoperational
  4. concrete operational


3.    Rhett is looking for the most effective way to lose his excess weight and keep it off. You would tell him that the most effective weight-loss programs invariably include  

  1.    a calorie-reducing diet.
  2. counseling.
  3. exercise.
  4. daily weigh-ins.


4.   According to Erik Erikson, which of the following stages occurs during early adulthood, after individuals are well on their way to establishing stable and successful identities?          

  1. generativity versus stagnation
  2. integrity versus despair
  3. identity versus identity confusion
  4. intimacy versus isolation


5.   In the context of health, which of the following statements is true of emerging adults?  

  1. They are less likely to engage in health-compromising behaviors than adolescents.
  2. They are less likely to be obese or have a mental disorder than adolescents.
  3. They have more than twice the mortality rate of adolescents.
  4. They eat regular meals and avoid consuming snacks during the day.


6.  “Many emerging adults are optimistic about their future, and for emerging adults who have experienced difficult times while growing up, emerging adulthood presents an opportunity to direct their lives in a more positive direction.” These are the two ways described by Jeffrey Arnett in which emerging adulthood can be viewed as  

  1. the age of possibilities.
  2. a period of stability.
  3. a time of feeling “in-between.”
  4. the period of social responsibilities.


7.    Which of the following statements is true about working while in college?

  1.  Working while in college is to be discouraged as it does not contribute to education in any way.
  2. College students who work more hours have better grades than those who do not work.
  3. Working more hours results in a decline in grades.
  4. Working while in college has largely positive effects.           


8.   A study conducted by Grant, Wardle, and Steptoe explored links between health behavior and life satisfaction in more than 17,000 individuals between 17 and 30 years of age in 21 countries. The young adults’ life satisfaction was found to be positively related to          

  1. exercising regularly.
  2.  increasing fat intake.
  3. alcohol consumption.
  4. fiber intake.


9.    In such fields as lyric poetry, abstract math, and theoretical physics, the peak of creativity is often reached during            

  1. the late fifties.
  2. early adolescence.
  3. old age.
  4. the twenties or thirties.


10.   Most divorces occur in the _____ year of marriage.        

  1.  first to third
  2. fifth to tenth
  3. second to fifth
  4. tenth to twelfth


11.  Which of the following is a factor associated with increases in divorce?  

  1.    high educational level
  2. having a religious affiliation
  3. youthful marriage
  4. partners from different educational backgrounds


12.   Which of the following is an advantage of having children late?        

  1.  Women have fewer medical problems during pregnancy.
  2. Parents have more income for child-rearing expenses.
  3. Parents are less likely to build up expectations for their children.
  4. Parents have more physical energy.


13.  On an assessment of attachment styles modeled on Hazan and Shaver’s questionnaire, Alicia described herself thus: “I find it relatively easy to get close to others and I am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don’t worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close to me.” Alicia seems to have a(n) _____ attachment style.            

  1. avoidant
  2. anxious
  3. secure
  4. gregarious


14.   _____ love is the type of love that occurs when someone desires to have the other person near and has a deep, caring affection for the person.      

  1. Romantic
  2. Fatuous
  3. Companionate
  4. Passionate


15.   According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society, which of the following statements is true about an individual’s sleep?        

  1. The level of stress is independent of the quality or amount of sleep.
  2. Usually five hours of sleep a day is necessary for the optimal performance of an individual.
  3. Family and social obligations predominantly lead to long hours of sleep in an individual’s life.
  4. Chronic sleep deprivation may contribute to cardiovascular disease and a shortened life span.


16.  Which of the following statements accurately reflects a key finding from the 1994 “Sex in America” survey?        

  1. Most Americans have sex twice a week or more.
  2. Most men and women have always remained faithful to their partners and have avoided any adulterous relationship.
  3. Women think about sex far more than men do.
  4. Married and cohabiting couples have sex more often than noncohabiting couples.


17.    Which of the following is true of the preferences of adults regarding the attachment styles of their partners?      

  1. Adults prefer to have an avoidant adult as a partner.
  2. Securely attached adults show a preference for individuals with an anxious attachment style.
  3. Adults prefer having a securely attached partner.
  4. Individuals with an anxious attachment style mostly seem to prefer a partner with an anxious attachment style.


18.   Which of the following statements accurately describes postformal thought as being provisional?        

  1.  Emerging and young adults are more likely than adolescents to understand that their thinking is influenced by emotions.
  2. As young adults engage in solving problems, they might think deeply about many aspects of work, politics, and other areas of life.
  3. Many young adults see the search for truth as an ongoing and perhaps never-ending process.
  4. Young adults understand that thinking must be realistic and pragmatic instead of abstract.


19.   Penelope is describing her marriage of 15 years: “My husband and I were eating breakfast the other day. Neither of us was talking, both of us just reading and thinking our own thoughts. But it was a very comfortable, companionable silence, and I loved it!” What aspect of their relationship does this illustrate?        

  1.  romantic love
  2. passion
  3. affectionate love
  4. infatuation


20.   According to research, which of the following statements is true of the link between cohabitation and marital instability?      

  1. The link between cohabitation and marital instability is strong when only cohabitation with the eventual marital partner is examined.
  2. Cohabiting does not have a negative effect on marriage if the couple did not have any previous live-in lovers.
  3. Cohabiting has a negative effect on marriage if the couple did not have children prior to the marriage.
  4. The risk of marital dissolution between cohabitors is much larger when they cohabited in their mid-twenties.


21.  One of the benefits of a good marriage is            

  1. more financial security.
  2. increased longevity.
  3. improved social relations.
  4. an improved gender identity.


22.  Female friendships involve more _____ than male friendships.            

  1. outdoor activities
  2. sharing of useful information
  3. self-disclosure
  4. competition


23.   According to Robert J. Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, _____ relates to the emotional feelings of warmth, closeness, and sharing in a relationship.      

  1.  commitment
  2. intimacy
  3. attachment
  4. passion


24.   Emerging adulthood is a time frame during which most individuals are        

  1. in exclusive relationships and married.
  2. sexually active and unmarried.
  3. sexually active and married.
  4. abstaining from sex and unmarried.


25.  Results from the “Sex in America” survey suggest that adult sexual behavior is ruled by _____ and _____ for most Americans.    

  1.  marriage; monogamy
  2. abstinence; marriage
  3. noncohabitation; polygamy
  4. kinkiness; infidelity


26.   Which of the following statements is true about expectations at the workplace?  

  1.    Many workers today want less control over their work schedules.
  2. Most employers offer very little flexibility to their employees.
  3. There is always absolute concurrence between the expectations of the employers and the expectations of the employees.
  4. Researchers Hall and Mirvis suggest that very few adults usually have changing expectations about work.


27.   Which of the following statements is true about the impact of unemployment on an individual?        

  1. Temporary unemployment is the only scenario in which stress is not experienced.
  2. Marital difficulties decline significantly following unemployment.
  3. Researchers have found that unemployment is related to homicide.
  4. Life satisfaction drops considerably following unemployment and completely returns upon reemployment.


28.   If researchers measure an individual’s self-esteem at ages 10, 20, 30, and 40 years, where are they likely to find the most stability?    

  1. When measured at the age of 20 and then again at the age of 40
  2. when measured at the age of 10 and then again at the age of 40
  3. when measured at the age of 10 and then again at the age of 30
  4. when measured at the age of 20 and then again at the age of 30


29  Martin and Suzy, who are classmates, have an affair with each other. They are in a relationship that has an ingredient of passion. However, they do not have feelings of warmth or closeness toward each other and do not intend to appraise the relationship. According to Robert J. Sternberg’s triarchic theory of love, Martin and Suzy’s love relationship is mostly likely categorized as            

  1. infatuation.
  2. intimacy.
  3. companionate love.
  4. fatuous love.


30.  Which of the following is a component of Robert J. Sternberg’s triarchic theory of love?          

  1. jealousy
  2. passion
  3. good looks
  4. exchange


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This question is taken from Psychology 2070 – Human Growth and Development » Winter 2022 » Quizzes