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Quiz 8
Quiz 8
1. Which of the following is a factor that could undermine the influence of increases in longevity on the nature of grandparenting?
- the current trend of delaying childbearing
- early marriage and childbirth
- changing gender roles in child rearing
- single-parenting and same-sex parents
2. According to Levinson, the transition to middle adulthood requires the adult male come to grips with four major conflicts. Which of the following is one of the major conflicts?
- being attractive versus being unattractive
- being extroverted versus being introverted
- being married versus being single
- being young versus being old
3. According to the Seattle Longitudinal Study of individuals aged 25 to 95, which of the following abilities showed the least decline with age?
- verbal comprehension
- inductive reasoning
- numerical abilities
- spatial orientation
4. According to studies, which of the following is one of the most common sexual problems of older men?
- lubrication difficulties
- partner non-cooperation
- lack of foreplay
- premature ejaculation
5. _____ refers to the ability to understand ideas expressed in words.
- Spatial orientation
- Verbal memory
- Implicit memory
- Verbal comprehension
6. According to Denise Park, much of the blame for declining memory in late middle age is a result of
- information overload that builds up over the adult years.
- neuroanatomical changes during late middle age.
- physiological and cognitive atrophy during late middle age.
- decreased blood supply to various parts of the brain.
7. What are the two major forms of love?
- companionate and consummate
- sexual and noncommittal
- romantic and affectionate
- passionate and intimate
8. Fluid intelligence is the ability to
- recall information.
- accumulate information.
- reason abstractly.
- accumulate verbal skills.
9. Which of the following statements is true of work in midlife?
- The peak of work performance is usually reached in early adulthood and hence the percentage of people working during middle adulthood is the lowest.
- There are always huge differences in the work performance of young adults and middle-aged adults.
- There is usually little emphasis on work during middle adulthood regardless of the work being full-time, part-time, or volunteer work.
- Age related declines occur in some occupations such as air traffic controllers and professional athletes.
10. Which of the following is most likely a factor that is associated with erectile problems in middle-aged men?
- excessive sexual activity
- moderate exercises
- high testosterone levels
- smoking
11. Amanda got divorced after 15 years of marriage. Ever since, she has been experiencing high levels of stress. To cope with stress, Amanda is most likely to
- attend a support group meeting.
- have sex or use pornography.
- take prescription medication.
- withdraw from social contact.
12. During middle age, the sensitivity to _____ sounds declines first.
- high-amplitude
- high-volume
- low-pitched
- high-pitched
13. Vaillant’s research showed that at age 50, the best predictors of who would be dead at 75 to 80 years of age were
- smoking and obesity.
- alcohol abuse and smoking.
- diabetes and depression.
- chronic depression and cardiovascular disease.
14. Brandon is a chain smoker and has been smoking cigarettes since college. He is currently 50 years old and has been recently diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. He consults his doctor to know more about his condition. Which of the following would the doctor most likely tell Brandon during the consultation?
- Obesity and elevated cholesterol levels are the only known causes for erectile dysfunction.
- The main treatment for men with erectile dysfunction has focused on Viagra and similar drugs.
- Erectile dysfunction only occurs in males over 70 years of age and seldom occurs in younger males.
- Erectile dysfunction is a fatal condition in males.
15. According to research, women and men differ in the way they experience and respond to stressors. When coping with stress, women were more likely than men to
- try to fix problems themselves.
- have sex or use pornography.
- engage in comfort eating.
- attend a support group meeting.
16. Which of the following statements is true of the physical changes in bones?
- The rate of bone loss is steady throughout the life span.
- By the end of early adulthood, bones break more easily and heal more slowly.
- Women lose bone mass twice as fast as men do.
- Maximum bone density occurs in late adolescence.
17. Which of the following statements is true of Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl?
- He said that the two most distinct human qualities are religiousness and philanthropy.
- He argued that freedom refers to a human being’s uniqueness of spirit, philosophy, and mind.
- Spirituality, in his view, has a religious underpinning.
- He argued that examining the finiteness of our existence and the certainty of death adds meaning to life.
18. Saeko has committed herself to the continuation and improvement of society as a whole through her connection and relationship with their children and grandchildren. According to Erikson, she is
- stagnant.
- generative.
- apathetic.
- self-absorbed.
19. The _____ model of personality development states that with time and age people become more adept at interacting with their environment in ways that promote increased stability in personality.
- cumulative personality
- humanistic personality
- integrative personality
- cognitive personality
20. In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), which of the following is a reason cited by middle-aged and older women for their divorce?
- difference in values
- alcohol or drug abuse
- falling out of love
- unemployment
21. According to research, which of the following is a difference between individuals high in conscientiousness and individuals high in neuroticism?
- Individuals high in conscientiousness are more likely to be drug dependent, whereas individuals high in neuroticism are more likely to have an alcohol addiction.
- Individuals high in conscientiousness are more likely to live longer, whereas individuals high in neuroticism are more likely to die at a younger age.
- Individuals high in conscientiousness feel negative emotion than positive emotion in daily life, whereas individuals high in neuroticism experience more lingering positive states.
- Individuals high in conscientiousness are successful entrepreneurs, whereas individuals high in neuroticism are successful managers.
22. According to a study by Cicirelli in 2009, the majority of sibling relationships in adulthood are
- apathetic.
- close.
- distant.
- neutral.
23. The gradual decline in men’s testosterone levels in middle age can reduce their
- thyroid levels.
- infertility.
- sexual activity.
- lung capacity.
24. Jenna is reevaluating and recording the facts about her adolescent and adulthood years. According to the Grant Study by George Vaillant, Jenna is most likely in her _____.
- 30s
- 40s
- 50s
- 60s
25. Middle-aged Americans agree that a major component of their well-being involves
- a stable financial situation.
- positive relationships.
- physical health.
- recovering from a midlife crisis.
26. Don and Ellie have been married for over 30 years. Which of the following is likely to be MOST important in their relationship?
- passion
- infatuation
- romance
- security
27. Identify the Big Five personality factor that describes whether an individual is fun-loving or somber.
- openness to experience
- agreeableness
- extraversion
- conscientiousness
28. Which of the following statements is true of the Seattle Longitudinal Study?
- It involves extensive evaluation of sexual abilities during adulthood.
- Participants have been assessed in 2-year intervals since 1985.
- It was initiated by John Horn.
- New waves of participants are added periodically.
29. Carla is described by her coworkers as highly organized and meticulous. She has a strong sense of self-discipline. According to the Big Five factors of personality, Carla is most likely to score high on
- openness to experience.
- extraversion.
- agreeableness.
- conscientiousness.
30. According to Levinson, identify a major task that must be mastered in early adulthood.
- developing a stable life structure
- forming an image of one’s career
- focusing on family development
- reaching the pinnacle of one’s career