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Week 6 Discussion – Sharing Your Findings on Curriculm Models
Our Chapter 6 reading provided an overview of types of early education programs, and many of these programs are based on specific curriculum models. The term curriculum model refers to a conceptual framework and/or organizational structure used to make decisions about educational priorities, teaching methods, and assessment criteria. Curriculum models have been influenced by historical and contemporary views of children, families, and learning. Although curriculum models vary in their underlying premises, they all share the goal of providing optimum learning experiences for children and fostering favorable outcomes for families.
One of our objectives this week is to “analyze various Curriculum Models and compare their approaches to learning environments and teaching practices”. For our discussion this week, each student will research a curriculum model or approach. The curriculum models/approaches that can be researched are: HighScope, The Montessori Method, Waldorf, The Reggio Emilia Approach, The Project Approach, and the Outdoor Classroom Project.
- Identify the curriculum model/approach you want to research. (The videos this week provided a brief introduction to the curriculum models.)
- Research information about your selected curriculum model using academic sources. Find at least twoappropriate scholarly sources for the model you have selected to research (e.g. scholarly journals, websites that end in .edu, .gov, .org or use google scholar to search). For research support please check out the Saddleback College library research support at (Links to an external site.) . No Wikipedia or commercial websites (.com) or blogs, etc. will be accepted as academic research.
- Based on your research, respond to the five questions below.
For your initial discussion post, you will review your research and summarize your findings, highlighting areas where your curriculum model stands out. Be sure to write information in your own words because you will submit your initial post to Turnitin for originality checking. Information that has just been copied / pasted from outside sources will not receive credit. In your responses to each other, you will compare and contrast findings about the various approaches to curriculum planning.
Please use the following guidelines for your initial discussion post:
- Nameof the curriculum model that you researched.
- Provide a brief introductionto the Curriculum Model. Include information about the history or philosophy of the model, including how the approach started and gained popularity. (Should be about 8 sentences.)
- Describe distinctive characteristics of the classroom environment and teacher-child interactions. Consider the following questions: What does the classroom environment and materials look like? How is the day organized for the children? How do the adults interact with the children? What might set this model apart from other curriculum models? (Should be at least 10-12 sentences.)
- Explain what you consider to be the strengthsof this curriculum model. What concerns might you have about this model? (Should be 6-8 sentences.)
- Provide at least two (2) citationsto where you found the information, (these can be a book title and author, scholarly article title/author/publication. Website URL, etc.)
How to participate in the discussion:
- To make your first post, please use the “Reply” button below. You will be able to see the posts of your classmates after you have made the first post.
- Your original post should address the above points for the Curriculum Model you selected. After you make your initial post, be sure to turn in a copy of your initial post to the “Curriculum Model Turnitin Link” for originality checking.
- The initial post is due by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, (in honor of Mother’s Day), and responses to the initial posts of at least two classmates are due by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. For full credit, you must post on two separate days within the week.
- For the responses to classmates:
- At least one of your responses in the small group must be to a classmate who selected a different Curriculum Model to research.
- Use your classmate’s name.
- Acknowledge something your classmate said.
- When you respond to classmates, you can add information about the history or background of the curriculum model, compare how the environment or teacher-child interactions are different from the model you researched, or offer additional insights into the strengths of the model, including how this curriculum model might support the development of young children (social, emotional, creative, cognitive, language or physical).
- Discussions will be graded according to the rubric found on page 5 of the syllabus.