Discussion 5

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Discussion 5


Post your main response and responses to two classmates’ posts, collectively amounting to 400 words minimum (at least 150 for your main post and at least 125 for each reply to classmates) due by Friday — Be sure that your main response answers the prompt thoroughly and that your responses to classmates directly address the ideas discussed in their posts in depth. Please, put as much effort into your replies to classmates as you do your response to the prompt. Your replies are what make this a discussion. Thank you.

Part 1: Choose one of the poems discussed on the previous page, the one that speaks to you the most, and read it again, even more closely than you did the first time. Then, explicate the poem in a well-developed paragraph, describing your interpretation of the poem’s meaning. Be sure to identify textual evidence to support your interpretation, but quote no more than one short but representative passage from the poem.

Part2: Read all of your classmates’ explications/interpretations for a broader sense of the poems we’ve read so far, and reply to two of your classmates’ posts with direct and meaningful comments discussing their ideas.

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This question is taken from English 102 – College Reading and Composition II » Spring 2022 » Discussion