Public Intellectuals

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Public Intellectuals


Talking heads claim to know everything. We see these people on the news every single day. People claim to be experts on everything ranging from protecting the environment, health, finance, etc., etc. In order for public intellectuals to influence society, the masses need to view them as legitimate. Provide some examples of a “public intellectual.” How do they exert influence? Why do people legitimize public intellectuals who may make claims that are “out of this world?”

This discussion topic asks students to answer the following question: How is man (person) a political animal? Reference your readings to explain why man (person) is a political animal.

  1. Respond to this discussion prompt by Friday, March 11, 2022 BEFORE 11:55pm.
  2. Reply to at least two of our classmates’ posts by Sunday, March 13, 2022 BEFORE 11:55pm.

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This question is taken from Political Science 005 – Western Political Thought » Spring 2022 » Discussion