Lab 12 Discussion

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Lab 12 Discussion


We have covered many different aspects of what climate change is, how it occurs, the effects it has on people and the natural world, and possible methods we can implement to tackle this complex issue. This is a lot of information to take in, and can be difficult to grapple with as it is such a large problem and we as individuals in the world can feel small. Anxiety about climate change can help motivate us to make serious changes, but it can also take a toll on our mental health and overall well being. It is equally important to take care of ourselves and each other as it is to stay informed and take action.

As a way to celebrate our final discussion of the semester, I would like for us to shift our focus on the positive and share ways in which we can stay hopeful in the face of such a wide reaching problem. 

  1. How might you ease your own climate anxiety? If you do not experience it, how might you uplift someone else experiencing it? (Examples might include reading positive news stories, or calling a friend… there are no wrong answers!)
  2. What does striking a balance between taking action to combat climate change and taking care of yourself look like?

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This question is taken from Science 111L – Understanding Climate Change Lab » Spring 2022 » Discussion