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What is Leadership?  Most people think it is this huge thing that almost nobody can live up to.  I disagree, and Drew Dudley also disagrees.  Watch the video below and respond to the questions that follow.

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DUE Friday May 13 11:59p

  1. What was the one thing that changed that girl’s life?
  2. Have you ever had a lollipop moment happen to you?
  3. Were you ever responsible for a lollipop moment for someone else?

DUE Sunday May 15 11:59p

  1. Review your classmates’ responses.  Responding to 2 of your classmates, what do you think of #2 & #3 above?  Why do you feel it was so transformative?

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This question is taken from BUSAD 141 – Introduction to Management » Spring 2022 » Discussion