Discussion 5

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Discussion 5


Desalinization in California: Good or Bad?

There are currently 12 desalinization plants operating in California.  Not all of these are RO (Reverse Osmosis) systems, which are the current design preference. The Governor is in support of more “Desal” plants to be constructed, in an effort to diversify our water supply in drought conditions and a future of warmer, drier conditions in the state. 

For this Discussion 5 post, I want you to watch this video about the Poseidon Desal Plant in Carlsbad, filmed a few years ago. Poseidon is currently working on a plans for plant in Huntington Beach, which is supported by Gov. Newsom but opposed by many environmentalists. Either way, the California Coastal Commission is scheduled to vote on it, this May. 

VIDEO REQUIRED:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Skuk8DeXpE&ab_channel=PBSNewsHour (Links to an external site.)

After watching the video and briefly researching pro’s and cons to desalinization, what do you think?

Your response should include:

1) What are some of the benefits and concerns about desalinization in California?

2) Should we move forward with more desalinization in California to diversify our water resources? If yes, why? If no, why?

3) No matter how you answered, should we keep our focus on alternative forms water saving like reclamation, water runoff capture infrastructure, and general reductions in water use (lawns, pools, etc.) 



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This question is taken from Geography 329 – Cities & Nature » Spring 2022 » Discussion