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CH 3 Federalism Discussion
Directions and question/prompt
Discuss the positives and negatives of the Federalism
First post due Wednesday at 11:59pm (Part A) [May 11, 2022]
Replies due Sunday at 11:59pm (Part B) [May 14, 2022]
Your post will have two parts:
Part A. (10 points) [Discussion]
- Provide at least one positive and one negative of Federalism.
- To answer this question, provide supporting evidence from the book or lecture.
Part B. (10 points) [Follow up]
After posting your initial post, you need to do the following by Sunday:
- Respond to at least one other student posts and give them feedback on their discussion.
- Respond to at least one comment on your own post from another student. If no one replies to your post, just reply to another student instead.
The Canvas Student GuideLinks to an external site. provides instructions for replying to a discussion postLinks to an external site..
Optional: Instead of typing your posts, you may use the video toolLinks to an external site. to record your posts.