CH 13 Discussion 1: Creative Cover Letter

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CH 13 Discussion 1: Creative Cover Letter



Creative Cover Letters

There once was a lawyer who wanted to get into the entertainment industry.  Unfortunately, he had little entertainment experience, except as a production assistant for an independent film company in Philadelphia.  He moved to Los Angeles 7 years ago, and 4 years ago took the leap.  

He applied to a job posting for a Production Director at the Jim Henson Creative Shop and was up against industry veterans; however, he set himself apart.  He wrote a creative cover letter (read it here).  


He structured it like a script to show his interest and highlighted the skills he had that fit this job (his actual letter is available in the link below this in Canvas).  They called him in for an interview, and after several more interviews, he got the job.  After being on the job for a while, he asked why they chose him.  They said because his letter was so creative and that is exactly what they needed, as they can teach the production skills but not creativity.

He is still employed by Henson and is extremely successful, receiving 3 promotions since beginning his career with Henson.


  1. What techniques can you use to set yourself apart in cover letters?
  2. Have you ever applied for a job that you did not feel qualified for?  
  3. Did you highlight skills you had that met the job criteria in your cover letter?  
  4. Did you get the job?

BY FRI MAY 20 open till SUN MAY 22

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This question is taken from BUSAD 106 – Written Business Communication » Spring 2022 » Discussion