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Week 3 Assignment
Week 3 Assignment : Health Outcomes and Cost Efficiency Paper
Over the last few years, we have seen improvements in the health of various populations. Although most countries have benefited, the gaps in health outcomes among different countries remains. Additionally, as the average life expectancy increases, there is an urgent need to ensure that health outcomes are achievable at a price we can all afford. Review the following report from The Economist, which analyzes how and why health outcomes and spending differ in 166 countries worldwide. The report also shows that health care often delivers outcomes that are at odds with their cost. The report is free; however, you will need to register on the Economist website to view it (
After reviewing the materials for this week and The Economist report, write a paper that discusses two arguments supporting and two arguments opposing the use of health outcomes in a cost-effectiveness methodology.
Your paper should be 3–4 pages in length and include support from the required readings, as well as at least one outside source. Use the WCU Library to find scholarly sources that support your paper.