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Week 6 Assignment
Week 6 Assignment : Will Interactive
This week, you will visit and view the WILL interactive “Partnering to Heal” simulation. Choose either of the two characters and play the scenario in full. Each character in the simulation is in a different role. Ensure that you read the roles and descriptions of each character in the simulation and play the one which most closely resembles your career field and/or interests. After you complete the simulation redo the scenario, but this time, change the choices and note the outcomes those changes create.
Reflect on the assignment, your own choices, and the outcomes.
- How did you do in your role?
- Which choices led to outcomes you did not expect?
- How does this assignment relate to your field, and in what way can you take the lessons you learned to your workplace?
- Describe which choices you made at the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention levels.
Your paper should be 3–4 pages in length and formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. It should include support from the required readings and at least one outside source. Use the WCU Library to find scholarly sources that support your paper.
Due Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)