Section 3.5 Question 4

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Section 3.5 Question 4


Section 3.5 Homework

4. Which of the accompanying boxplots likely has the data with the larger standard​ deviation? Why?


Choose the correct answer below.

  1. Boxplot II likely has the data with the larger standard deviation because the boxplot appears to have a greater​ spread, which likely results in a larger standard deviation.
  2. Boxplot I likely has the data with the larger standard deviation because the values associated with Boxplot I are larger than the values associated with Boxplot​ II, which likely results in a larger standard deviation.
  3. Boxplot II likely has the data with the larger standard deviation because the median is less than the median of Boxplot​ I, which likely results in a larger standard deviation.
  4. Boxplot I likely has the data with the larger standard deviation because the IQR is smaller than that of Boxplot​ II, which likely results in a larger standard deviation.




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This question is taken from Math 136 – Introduction to Statistics » Summer 2021 » Homework